Another figure I've wanted for quite some time is Armada Starscream, so I asked another of my friends to give an interview for him.
Miraging:: How tall is he compared to Universe Ratchet?
Shadow: Off the top of my head I'd say Universe ratchet comes up to like... midchestish area? He's rather big.
Miraging: Oh, he is big.
Miraging: How's the alt-mode fit together?
Shadow: It's not all that difficult a transformation. (If I can brainlessly figure it out--mostly--it's easy. I'm hopeless at figuring out how to transform them 8) I have a little difficulty getting his legs to fold properly under his wings but uh, that could be because I'm probably doing it wrong.
Miraging: But he holds together nicely, no gaps or anything?
Shadow: Yeah.
Miraging: Okay.
Miraging: How's poseability in mech mode?
Shadow: Oops, he's missing a cannon, it seems. Anyway, he's easy to get standing solidly as long as you remember to fold out the stabalizer things on his feet (unlike G1 Star who you have to put in weird positions to get to stand upright at all), but he's very topheavy so that makes posing difficult sometimes if you aren't careful balancing him.
Miraging: Okay.
Miraging: Where is he ball-jointed?
Shadow: Hm~ hips and shoulders it seems
Miraging: Okay. No waist?
Shadow: His waist kind of... how do you put this. Locks into place underneath in robot mode--when transforming him you pop it free to give his legs room to bend around underneath him in his alt-mode.
Shadow: If that makes sense.
Miraging: Oh, I see.
Miraging: Okay, so any complaints about him or anything you really like?
Shadow: My only real complaint is trying to transform him or just handle him in general and hitting the button on his cockpit that makes shooting noises. I never really was one for noisy toys.
Shadow: Other than that I really like him.
Miraging: What was the price on him?
Shadow: Uh... I honestly don't know. He was a Christmas gift from my brother, who bought him a long time ago when HE was into collecting the toys.
defectionpendin Ohhh, I see.
Miraging: So I suppose I can't ask you about the condition of the paint when it was new XD
Miraging: Is he loose anywhere in mech mode, or does he hold together?
Shadow: well his shoulder cannons tend to pop off, it seems. And his wing, but that's supposed to do that and become his sword.
Miraging: Ahh, right. So he has the working wingblade?
Shadow: Yeah.
Miraging: Awesome.
Shadow: It just pops off and unfolds.
Miraging: Sweet. I love that feature for him.
Alas, she had to go off to bed, but that figure is on my "once you get a job, must buy" list along with ROTF Sideswipe, Soundwave and Knockout and Binaltech Mirage, so hopefully I'll have it soon enough and can do a video review of my own.
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