Now on to the news!
1. Two new bios have been put out of ROTF characters Swerve (who is a repaint of Sideswipe with a different helm mold) and Gears (repaint of the first live-action movie's Stockade).
Swerve: Swerve is highly intelligent, though you wouldn't know it to watch him drive. His duties as a metallurgist and fabricator for the Autobots expose him to a lot of toxic chemicals, which his circuits have been constantly exposed to for years. He has trouble holding a straight line as a result. The other Autobots prefer to keep him far away from battle, since he aims about as well as he drives.
Stockade: If there's a negative angle to be found in any situation, Gears will find it. It's not that he's a miserable guy or that he's unhappy on earth. He just really likes complaining. Nothing makes him happier than having something to gripe about. The other Autobots actually find his complaining funny, rather than annoying, which is part of the reason he keeps on doing it.

2. The Exclusive Electro-Disrupter Ligier is due for release in August 2009, and I must say that, from the pre-order images, it looks like a fantastic figure. Very sturdy, very poseable. It's a very balanced figure as well, because though it could be top-heavy, they've balanced that with the lower legs and feet.
3. The Fallen's concept art has been released, and it's a good way to see a lot of little details on the character:
4. IDW is going to be giving movie characters their own Spotlights! After the release of Cliffjumper and Metroplex's Spotlights, the IDW crew will be turning their attention to some of our favorite movie characters. Just who hasn't been released yet, I am hoping for Sideswipe, Barricade, the Fallen, Megatron... There will be 5-6 released.
5. The upcoming ComicCon edition of GEEK Monthly will feature a Botcon 2009 cover, so be sure to take a look.
6. Also, speaking of ComicCon, San Diego Comic Con's Exclusive Reissue Soundwave will be sold there. The images weren't very good, but I got the bio:
"'Cries and screams are music to my ears.' It is said that Soundwave can hear a fly sneeze. Uses anything he hears for blackmail to advance his status. Opportunist. Despised by all other Decepticons. Sensors can detect even lowest energy radio transmissions. Able to read minds by monitoring electrical brain impulses. Acts as radio link for others. Locates and identifies Autobots, then informs Decepticons. Carries a concussion blaster gun. Often target of retaliation from his comrades."
I... really like that bio, for some reason.
7. Also: the covers for AHM Coda have been released on Chris Ryall's blog:
Optimus and Ironhide, issue 13:
I would have uploaded the pics directly, but they're being finicky.
8. Keep your eyes peeled for a new M&Ms commercial featuring Optimus.
9. Check out BBTS for some new pre-order updates. (I personally want the movie scout set.)
10. Tonight's episode of Entertainment Tonight may or may not feature an exclusive ROTF clip, as teased by last night's episode. I would tune in anyway, just to check it out.
That looks like it for now, guys! Another update tonight.
(Edit: Sorry the end is all squashed together, having some editing issues.)
AHM Fuck yeeeessss. <33 Those pictures are kickass. Sniper!Percy=yum. Hehehe. (Not to mention the serious is awesome.)
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah this site is a little wonky with formatting sometimes xD; It gave me a bitch of a time when I tried long posts. :P