Monday, June 1, 2009

Kmart promotion, ROTF website, TV spots, interview with Grimlock's voice actor, emailing Derrick J. Wyatt

To start off today's news, Kmart is starting a promotion for Revenge, which is kicking off on June 7th. It will focus on Father's Day, which will be ROTF themed. There will be several promotional clothing items, commercials, and a large Transformers-themed 'headquarters' at the front of each Kmart store.

2: The official ROTF website has been updated with fanart. Go check it out!

3: As of today (or Wednesday), according to Michael Bay, Revenge of the Fallen is officially theater-ready. Finally.

4. More and more TV spots are starting to appear, including "Destiny", featuring Linkin Park's "New Divide".

I keep thinking over the Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown figure that was mentioned in Hasbro's Q&A session, and it seems like he'll be a really awesome figure. He's been redesigned from Animated to fit the ROTF line, which I cannot wait to see.

And last but not least, I have's interview with Gregg Berger, better known as the voice of G1 Grimlock:

Delicon: What, generally speaking, has the Botcon experience been like for you so far? Are there any aspects of fandom that surprise you?

Berger: It's more than meets the eye! You have to be here to experience it and feel it. The energy is global, maybe galactic, and accessible to all. They have set the bar so high that the biggest surprise of all is that they have exceeded all expectations! It rocks so hard!

Delicon: The autograph lines have been insane, what is most unusual thing you have autographed both at this convention and overall?

Berger: Although I autographed the inside of several shoes at this con, my most unusual signing ever was an @$$ cheek, which I have been told went straight to a tattooer.

Delicon: What aspects of TransFormers, particularly G1, do you feel influence modern shows, or their creators as something that affected them?

Berger: I think it had, in its time, an enormous effect on people who have now grown into not only a devoted fanbase, but also show creators, and creatives in general. So many people in so many creative circles credit their rabid devotion to Transformers growing up as part of their wonder years, and consequently part of them.I was introduced last week by someone who said, "This is the man who made me late for school and made me rush home after school." That feels so good I can't tell you.

Delicon: You worked with so many voice actors on Transformers and other shows. Name one or two that stand out and why?

Berger: I would say, personally, Scatman Cruthers made me anxious for the times that we were not recording, because he would bring a ukulele or tell stories, and he had such a magical quality about him as a person that I just wanted to sit and listen to whatever he had to say. I still worked with Frank Welker nearly every week on new episodes of "Garfield," but when "Transformers" was working I was the new kid and was awed by his, and everyone's, incredible talent, and Frank's in particular, his sense of fun and play, keeping the sessions always fresh.

Delicon: You've done mostly voice acting, but have a regular acting background as well. Do you have a preference of the two? Is there more job security in voice acting?

Berger: I don't believe there is job security for anyone who feels that they are guaranteed job security. Every opportunity stands alone and must be earned. I love the voiceover community, but I love the on-camera, onstage, and personal appearance opportunities I have been afforded as well. I'm not trying to bail on the question,but the truth is I love whatever I'm doing at the moment.

Delicon: You're most well-known in Transformers for your portrayal of Grimlock, but you've done a host of characters on many shows. Are there any characters you identify with on a personal level?

Berger: To some degree, all of them, which is how actors should approach their work. But strictly on the optimism level, I would have to say, Spirit from "GI Joe."

Delicon: Final question. Thank you very much for you time today, we greatly appreciate it. This is your opportunity to pitch any upcoming projects, I'm sure fans would love to know.

Berger: I am happily so busy at the moment that I need an air traffic controller! I am Captain Cutter in "Halo Wars", Kingpin in "Spiderman: Web of Shadows", Fred Dukes aka the Blob in "X-men Origins: Wolverine: The Game," two major characters in "Guild Wars 2," and I narrate "Shadow Force" for the History Channel. New "Garfield"s are in production and began airing in May on Cartoon Network UK, so hopefully other markets in the near future. Boy did you pick the right time to ask me that question!

And, ah, as a last note, I am planning on emailing Derrick J. Wyatt with a few TFA questions, so does anyone have any pressing things they'd like answered?

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